21 September 2011

USD/CAD : The Time is Near

  • Originally long at 0.9890. Been sitting on this for the longest time, watching it go nowhere fast with some hair-raising moments in between.
  • The time to get serious about this trade looks near, although one can never be sure with the Loonie. False starts seem to be inherently built into this pair.
  • Monthly : Downtrend line breaking.
  • Weekly : Double bottom but messy price action traversing the neckline at 0.9913.
  • Trade : Thus far, have kept only a small position to enable me to withstand the swings while waiting for trade to come alive. Reckon the time to step up is on a break of 1.0026. Pyramid buy stop-in above.


Kris said...

Crazy night for SPY?? Roller-coaster like crazy!?

Taichiseal said...

Stopped-in. Added to long at 1.0027