22 September 2011

Core Book : In Sweet Spot

  • Long held view on Risk Off coming together and delivering now.
  • View expressed across 5 contracts : -ES, -URO, +TY, -HG and -CD for a small measure of "diversification", but aggregated for risk management purpose. Important that I am not deluding myself on large size of 1-way bet here.
  • In chart terms - TY, ES and URO have already run ahead, in deep trending mode.
  • Sell signals in HG and CD are fresh.
  • Awaiting 2 more signals (SP500 1136 and EUR/USD 1.3499) for 1 last step up to full house Risk OFF.
  • When it is time to square up, will do so with the leaders (ie TY) first.
  • Also consider rotating risk from the older trenders to the new trenders (CD and HG).

1 comment:

Taichiseal said...

All 5 contracts are of course highly correlated.

By "diversification", I mean spreading bets so that one is not left feeling frustrated sitting on 1 position in a lagging market whilst overall Risk Off view is performing.