21 January 2011

FED UP with Thomson Reuters Eikon!

  • Since 2006 (T4LY1), I have been using Reuters 3000Xtra for my charting and live mtm spreadsheets. Current monthly cost is SGD 2800. Not cheap by any standards and charges go up by 5%-10% each year. Whilst not perfect, system is at least mostly stable. My old HP desk-top and Starhub premium broadband subscription is more than an adequate combo to run 3000Xtra without causing any RAM/feed issues for the rest of the software that I run when markets are live eg Firefox, various IM and PATS (my trade execution system).
  • TR however, have recently decided to discontinue 3000Xtra and replace it with Eikon, which I have been using since 12Jan11. Talk about fixing what ain't broke. What a load of rubbish!
  • Since installing Eikon, I now have 1. daily PC system freezing (requiring re-boot)  2. price links dropping (see screenshot) once every 2-3 minutes and especially when US markets are open for trading  3. charts (other screenshot) take ages to call up (which really sucks as I am a pure chart trader) and often times not at all necessitating a re-boot of Eikon which takes even longer  4. frequent long delays in entering orders and trade execution (in PATS)  5. Even calling up Gmail is noticeably slower now.  6. Something basic like Reuters Messaging which is built into Eikon does not work properly (the last time I had such problems with IM was about 13 years ago when Yahoo Messenger first became popular; so RM is about 13 years behind YM).
  • PATS is about the most robust piece of trading software I have ever seen in action. Even in China when everything else on my notebook had hung due to weak internet connection, PATS never hung or its price feeds lost on me (think Duracell Bunny). But even its performance is now negatively affected by Eikon. Totally unacceptable to have execution platform impaired.
  • Am going to look into giving up TR Eikon and getting Bloomberg instead. This is something I have thought about many times over the years given my ongoing frustration with other aspects of TR. The only reason stopping me from making the switch is the thought of having to re-do scores of Excel spreadsheet live links, plus Bloomberg charts do not have the nice colors of 3000/Eikon. Also it's such a pain to change systems when I should be fighting markets instead.
  • Eikon = new = downgrade as far as I am concerned. All in all, a completely unsatisfactory state of affairs.
  • So, do not be surprised if charts suddenly look different here.
  • Status update (14Feb11)


      Taichiseal said...

      RAM issue? Bandwidth? ie Eikon not the problem but my own hardware need upgrading? Will I face the same problems with Bloomberg?

      Don't know. But for sure everything was going along nicely for me until Eikon came along.

      ahlim said...

      Sounds like a RAM issue to me ...
      with all the programs you are running I reckon you should need a min of 2Gb ram ... 4Gb if you have the necessary slots available
      If you are on Starhub base plan 8mbps(?),it should not be a bandwidth problem.
      In any case I agree with you 100% on RM though - its the worst piece of software I have ever come across !
      Hangs all the time and shows you offline when you are not etc...

      Taichiseal said...

      Oh is it? If is RAM issue then perhaps I am being too harsh on TR Eikon. Am Googling for on site PC RAM upgrade service now. Would do it myself but seen some Youtube videos. Seems like you need to put on some anti-static device which I do not have.

      Taichiseal said...

      Ahlim : If you think RM 7 or 8 (standalone) is bad, wait till you get RM in Eikon.

      ahlim said...

      Its a relatively simple procedure to add/change RAMS
      firstly you need to check what type of RAMS you have , eg. DDR or DDR2 (I suspect you are using DDR2 if you system is 2-3 yrs old)
      easily verified using a small program CPU-Z and looking under "Memory" tab.
      Then head off to Sim Lim Square to get them eg:
      1 Stick of Kingston PC2-5300 DDR2-667 2GB costs about S$46 each
      (As for static, its hardly a factor as I have put together quite alot of DIY systems myself and it has never been a big issue)

      Taichiseal said...

      Thanks AhLim. Getting professional help to come install for me. Better la. I completely blur on hardware.