23 September 2009

USD Index : A Very Bad Miss

  • Weekly line (closing only) chart of USD Index.
  • Double Top around 88.41; NL at 80.90; solid downtrend since break of NL in Jun09; line chart never went back above NL after initial break.
  • Illustrates the futility of trying to read too much into every single nuance of price action (eg candlesticks patterns, daily changes, etc). Screwed up my trading. Once mindset was wrong (ie calling equity top), all other bad trades followed. Core book was badly constructed based on early Risk Off call.
  • Line chart of weekly close would have captured short from 80.90 to current 76.11 (-6% thus far, plentiful return for leveraged trading). Nothing more complicated required.
  • Unfortunately I messed up by thinking I understood the fundamentals well enough to anticipate a turn in the trend. Unduly influenced by popular thinking and media.
  • Simple is best. Charts only. No need to think too much.
  • Double Top objective is 73.39. Another 3.5% to go.
[My trading rules (especially KISS) were evolved after long studies of charts such as this and wondering, in hindsight, why I did not capture large(r) chunks of such trends. Unfortunately, I had allowed myself to be sidetracked once again here. Most unsatisfactory.]

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