22 September 2011

Straits Times Index : Not Good

  • Monthly and Weekly : Post sub-prime crisis rally looks over. Current wave = resumption of pre-crisis down trend.
  • Daily : Triangle consolidation. Break of 2713 = downtrend continuation. Downside target of this triangle is 2494. If it is achieved, the monthly and weekly charts would have turned very ugly (now at 2726).
  • Long term Fibonacci levels : 2604, 2385 and 2165. All look eminently achievable and not unrealistic.


Noob said...

Hi Taichiseal,
need your advice on something,been wanting to study futures as compared to stocks (stumbled on your web by accident)
How do I co-relate STI to MSCI Index Future?
Also, I understand the MSCI contract expires monthly, does it auto rollover if i still holding on to it or does expires on the date?
lastly, is there a specific time when it expires? (i holding full time job so i may not be able to sell by 1700 hours if it expires the same time SGC closes)

Thanks in advance!

Taichiseal said...

My advice to you. DON'T TOUCH THIS and I mean this in the nicest way. No disrespect.

Because from your questions, it is clear to me that you haven't the slightest clue about stock index futures.

Some links that will help answer your questions above :=



You do not want to hold index futures to to the very last day. If you like your position and want to continue holding onto them past expiry, roll to the next active month early.

Noob said...

Hi Taichiseal,

Thanks so much for your advice, the links you provided a great insight. i guess I was kinda caught up by the fact that I could only go long on stocks and cant 'short' when market see-saws at time like these. :(

Taichiseal said...

Is a jungle out there man. Stay home if you got a choice.