06 September 2011

ST App : RIdiculous

Just found out the new pricing of SPH for the ST App. Whilst I was impressed with their app, I think they are crazy to think people will pay USD 27.99 per month for online access to news content, part of which is reproduced from other news sources which are available free of charge.

This is my email to ST today.

"Dear Sirs

I have been a subscriber of your ST Online edition for the past 4-5 years. I last renewed my subscription at a cost of SGD 204 for a period of 2 years (expiring 03Nov11). 

I am NOT a subscriber of the ST Print edition.

I am shocked to learn of the details of your new pricing. For subscribers like me who do not need the Print edition, my new cost of access to the ST Online will now be USD 27.99 (SGD 35) per month, or an equivalent of USD 671.76 (SGD 840) for 2 years.

In other words, you want to increase the cost of a 2 year subscription from SGD 204 to SGD 840. That's is completely absurd and beyond my comprehension.

As per my email correspondence (dated 03Nov09) with you at the time of my last renewal, please DO NOT auto-renew my subscription for me. I do not intend to subscribe to the ST Online anymore upon expiry of my current subscription.

Yours sincerely


akikana said...

You should have sent it to Today and asked the relevant authorities to look in to it...more chance of success methinks!

Taichiseal said...

I can easily live without ST. Not a big deal.

What puzzles me is how they decided to price the e-paper more than the printed version. So much for going green and saving the trees and planet. Where's the logic in that ?