20 September 2011

EUR/USD : Watch 1.3499

  • Daily : Am thinking perhaps a triangle consolidation is now going on between 1.35 and 1.39. If so, then we should see at least a few more narrowing legs before something major happens. [Triangle = trend continuation]. 
  • However, if the market does take out 1.3499 before the above plays out, then the down move may well accelerate.
  • Weekly : Potential for a bear flag. If so, then downside is 10 big figures to around 1.27.
  • In short, lots more to play for in the short trade.
  • Pyramid sell stop-in below 1.3499.
  • [PS : Gold beginning to look really heavy too].


Taichiseal said...

Limit order adding to short at 1.3766 filled.

Taichiseal said...

Partial TP. Bought back @ 1.3573.

Taichiseal said...

Stopped in. Fresh short filled at 1.3493.