28 May 2011

Benchmarks : Weekly Update

  • Sense a turning of the tide taking place finally, after 3 weeks of Risk Off. Back to lower yields, lower USD, higher commodities, higher equities = QE3 as a consequence of weak economic data?
  • USDX : Reversal week. Rally over. Too bad I was too early and got stopped out on my short during the week.
  • US10YY : Going cliff diving. SHS top broken neckline. Missed buying at the close last night due to excitement of CL finals. Must get in next week.
  • S&P500 : Uptrend intact. But possibly not as good a Risk On trade as the other options. Leave it. Stick to shorting USD and buying UST.
  • Gold : Going back up. Buy dips.
  • CL : Viva MU !!!

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