14 February 2011

Eikon update

Status update (14Feb11)
  • Have taken the following action now which seems to have solved a large part of the problem := 1. Increased RAM  2. Broken giant flex document into tiny little documents containing one instrument each.
  • No more incomplete charts ("data retrieval" error). Speed normal. But still occasional system hang which may or may not be Eikon related.
  • Gotten used now to having to open each chart as and when I need to look at it instead of just simply clicking on a sheet tab before. Not as convenient but I am highly adaptable. Accept anything to not have to re-do charts and spreadsheets on another system. Creature of habit.
  • Most importantly, PATS trade execution platform is now functioning normally.
  • To be fair to TR, they have shown much concern with this problem and offered all sorts of assistance including sending engineers to my place to help with troubleshooting. Their efforts are much appreciated. Special thanks to my client relationship manager JR.
  • So, no switch to Bloomberg.


Sab said...

Must thank me !

Taichiseal said...

? Hubby ?

Sab said...


Taichiseal said...

Thanks Sab. Half solved only.