10 January 2011

Foxit Reader Software

  • One problem I have often encountered is damaged pdf files that Acrobat Reader is unable to open [Error message : "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and cannot be repaired"].
  • Found a solution that should work for some, if not most, damaged files.
  • Install Foxit Reader (latest ver 4.3). Use it to open the damaged file.
  • [If successful, and you still want to read it in Acrobat, re-save the file as a pdf document in Foxit. Alternatively, use Foxit as primary pdf reader].
  • Foxit is supposed to use less memory than Acrobat and thus faster. I have not used it long enough to be comfortable dumping Acrobat for Foxit.

1 comment:

Financial Journalist said...

I had shorted USDJPY as well, at 83.06. What is your target level?