09 September 2009

My Special Interest

  • Simsci : Buy break 326 or sell break 303 (DblTop). UpTL now at 310.
  • USD/CAD : Remnant of Risk Off trades, being held onto on basis of hope now. Never a good reason.
  • GBP/USD : UpTL break still valid but lacking follow thru = needs more work for emergence of a more concrete pattern (my guess = SHS) to trade off. Hold.
  • Bunds/UST spread : Caught short near lows, false re-entry below +11.5. Nevertheless, will assume TL break valid until proven wrong. Dare not implement my original plan of adding on at +20.
  • ED_M0Z0 : Going good. Ain't broke don't mend.
  • Gold : Long 2x977+991. Triangle valid. Want to see levels above 1005 to be accepted by markets (ie profit taking + re-trade back above) before considering adding.
  • Current trading hampered by recent prolonged lack of success. Extremely wary of pyramiding. Mentally handicapped!

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