05 September 2009

Benchmarks : Weekly Update

  • USD Index : No follow thru buying (as feared) again. DownTL resistance declines to 78.38 next week. Still looks like protracted base forming consolidation to me.
  • US10YY : Again failed to follow thru and close at 3.44%, below the UpTL at 3.36%. Disappointing.
  • S&P500 : Uptrend continues.
  • Gold : A rare bright spot for technical traders in current market. Triangle breakout holding well (offsetting strong USD negative revals).


OKL said...

hi there,

i've been trading the US markets for over a year now, stumbled on your blog, which i find very similar to my trading style- multiple markets and macro observations.

in any case, im looking to trade the asian markets, but im a little lost as to the liquidity of the asian markets and can't seem to find any info out there without yet subscribing to a singapore broker (sgx website isnt very useful)

im just enquiring if you could post something useful to reference the liquidity on the various index futures (japan, china, hk, sgp, india, taiwan).

sounds like a lot, but i just need a screenshot of each futures market on a daily basis... thanks!

maybe we could have a cup of coffee =)

Taichiseal said...

Not sure what exactly you need. In any case, apart from SGX Simsci+Nikkei and HKEx Mini Hang Seng, I do not have any experience trading in any of the other Asian markets. Also, the volumes and open interest numbers can be found on the SGX and HKFE websites.

I will post a screen shot containing the latest OI on the active contract of the futures indices traded on SGX and HKEx later. As to daily posting - you can look these up yourself from the exchanges' websites. I can't see why you would need this info on a daily basis though.

Taichiseal said...
