30 June 2010

Slipped Disc : Spinal Decompression by Inversion

  • Pain Index (PI) : Scale of 1-10, 1= Normal, 10= Unbearable pain so bad that tears come on automatically.
  • Before : Slipped disc pressing on sciatic nerve, causing pain that extends from buttocks and shoots all the way down to lower left leg. 2-3 minutes after getting out of bed in the morning, PI shoots up to 8/9 (due to gravity adding to pressure). So bad I had phobia of getting up to pee in the middle of the night. Dreaded getting out of bed and the pain that comes with standing upright that I missed executing some stop losses at night during this period. Unable to walk for more than 5-10 minutes without feeling intense pain in left calf and ankle. At best PI = 4/5. Unable to get through day without pain killers. Surgery recommended.
  • Therapy : Spinal decompression using inversion table. 60 degree inversion (lying horizontally = 0 degree), 6 times a day, 5-8 minutes each time. + Swim 1 Km every day. No pain killers or steroids at all.
  • Today = 6th week of inversion : PI daily range now 3-5. More importantly, this week I am finally able to walk normally (with only mild pain) for an extended time period.
  • Not sure if improvement in my condition is due to inversion or whether I would have gotten better naturally in any case. Surgery avoided?
  • More about inversion therapy and Teeter tables here.
  • Not suitable if you have ankle injury.


TradeDemon said...

good to hear of the improvement to your health - I also try to avoid pharmaceuticals at all costs...good luck!!

Taichiseal said...


FX said...

I just drop by to say that it's impressive how you managed to rehabilitate so much this way.

I follow your blog for years now, long before you stop writing in previous blog. I always find valuable things. Not so much for direct trading because I follow way smaller time frames but for general no nonsense attitude about trading. In my amateurish trading world your blog is peek into professional mind set, at least I look at it that way. Also I would like to add that it's too bad that you had "incident" in your previous blog so you limited number of things that you cover. Well at least you are still writing.
Wish you full recovery and good trading.

Taichiseal said...

Thanks to good advice from my friend and ex-boss NKH.