02 September 2009

10 year Bunds/UST Spread : Huge Disappointment

  • Recall monthly double bottom at -67, NL +11, objective +89
  • High hopes for this trade crushed (long at +13, out at +31)
  • Spread did widen to +40 max early Aug09 after NFP (less weak than expected = temporary pricing of rate hikes, subsequently completely reversed)
  • Now back to +12
  • Weekly now broken uptrend line, as per US10YY
  • Monthly close back <+11 = move back towards negative spread
  • So, instead - now Buy UST, sell Bunds?
  • The best trades sometimes are failed technical breakouts because likely that many are wrong-footed and just stop losses alone could push the initial trade into deep profitability very quickly.

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